Key points of the Public Health Act 1897
Parents are responsible for keeping their children with infectious diseases away from school,, and a teacher must not allow the children to return to school until clear fo the infection.
The Medical Officer of Health is to be compulsorily notified for the following:
- Typhoid (Enteric) Fever
- Scarlet Fever or Scarlatina
- Diphtheria
- Measles
- Whooping Cough
- Consumption
- Chickenpox
- German Measles
- Mumps
There will be penalty of 40/- for not obeying.
Filthy children – these are notifiable to the MOH
Home conditions – Local Government Board officers may make domicile visits and report poor condiitons
School closure. Definite proof of a good reason is required. The MOH may only exclude a group of children. A certificate is required.
Disinfection. This is to be done under the supervision of the Sanitary Inspector. Formalin vapours and carbolic acid solution is to be used. Plaster walls have to be lime-washed, desks to be done with paraffin and books may even have to be destroyed.