
This web-site has been developed by Doug Maclean on behalf of the Avoch Heritage Association. All content is provided by the Avoch Heritage Association, and all intellectual property rights associated with the web-site remain those of the Association.
The site has been developed on a voluntary basis, and is provided as a contribution to the local community and to capture the tremendous amount of research and meticulous analysis carried out by the Association over the years.
The entire content of this website is copyright of the Avoch Heritage Association. None of the text, photographs or graphics may be reproduced without permission.

Thanks are due to:
Hilda Hesling for much of the material on Alexander Mackenzie (extracted from her booklet, “An enterprising spirit – the life of Sir Alexander Mackenzie”) and Rosehaugh House
John Mills, Hilda Hesling, Kath Macleman and Magdalene Maclean for the extracts from the book “Rosehaugh, a house of its time”
Members and office bearers of the Avoch Heritage Association for their contribution to the work of the Association, without which this site would not have been possible.
Contributors to the site, from all over the world, who have family ties with the village.